The Standing Committees:
Members of the Standing Committees are elected by the congregation at the annual meeting for a three-year term. Each Standing Committee shall choose from among their membership a person to chair their meetings, a person to keep minutes of their meetings, and a person to represent the Committee as a member of Council. Committees are encouraged to organize their meetings on a regularly scheduled basis to enable as many in the congregation to participate as possible. Standing Committee meetings are open to all members of the congregation, unless a specific agenda item involves confidential personnel matters. The duties of each Standing Committee is summarized at the following links; more detailed information can be found in the Kincardine United Church Organization Structure Report.
Gp to Administration Committee
Go to C.A.M.P. (joint meeting of Council, Administration, Membership & Mission and Programme Committee)
Go to Membership and Mission Committee
Go to Ministry and Personnel Committee
Go to Kincardine United Church Trustees
Go to Programme Committee